May 16, 2023

In a world filled with countless techniques and strategies promising to enhance your intuition, it’s time to unveil the secret that most overlook. As a seasoned life coach, I’ve discovered that the key to boosting your inner intuition lies in a simple truth: it is directly linked and proportional to the knowledge and experience you […]

November 14, 2022

Welcome to your New Showit Blog! This is your very first blog post. You can edit or delete it by logging into your WordPress Dashboard. Additional details about blogging with Showit can be found here.

February 25, 2022

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I am a non-denial girl. I can’t stand the feeling of living non-authentically because it is like fooling myself. Instead, I want the truth straight up. No sugar-coating for me. And this space you are reading right now is exactly that: a no-bullshit space where you get the see your full truth, like a moral […]

July 22, 2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] ❌I don’t believe things are set in stone and that’s it ❌I don’t believe your way is necessarily the right way for me ❌I don’t believe in convincing people to think the way I do ❌I don’t believe in being grateful only when things go my way ❌I don’t believe in the “just do […]

July 20, 2021

My mission in a nutshell: worked for the UN and other big names for many years. I was a capacity building officer, so basically prepared and trained people to do anything we needed them to do. Suddenly, I decided to step back and become an independent expert. Sounds easy, right? You would think I had […]

June 18, 2021

A client recently asked me: “How did you start promoting your business? Your 1:1s, workshops and all that?” I did what everybody else does when they start their own business: I signed up for webinars, free and paid ones, but mostly free stuff I downloaded an obscene number of freebies that supposedly taught me how […]

June 14, 2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] SAVE THIS FOR BREAKING MOMENTS ⁣One of the revelations the lockdown has brought for me and I want to share it with you as loudly as possible. Save this post for any time you feel doubting yourself and the path you’ve chosen. Distance yourself from whoever thinks your growth is a reason to start […]

June 9, 2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Definamos primero qué es el journaling, ¿va? El journaling es básicamente la práctica de escribir cosas en un diario. Plasmamos en papel los pensamientos que pueden estar causando ansiedad, por ejemplo, o cosas que queremos cumplir. El journaling puede adaptarse a cualquier necesidad que tengamos y el mecanismo sigue siendo uno solo: vaciar la […]

June 2, 2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Message for all multi-passionate avocado leaders: Stop caging yourself! Keep reading ↴ no need to be just one thing // One of the gifts of multi-dimensional leaders is their desire and ability to be inspired by multiple things at once. You are not meant to do just one thing, but to be multi-passionate. I want […]

May 26, 2021

Message for all multi-passionate avocado leaders: Stop caging yourself! Keep reading ↴ no need to be just one thing One of the gifts of multi-dimensional leaders is their desire and ability to be inspired by multiple things at once. You are not meant to do just one thing, but to be multi-passionate. I want to […]