You are itching to take action


You ready to attract your ideal clients


You want to make your business the best


You love GIFS. What? It's a great way to communicate


You need help putting your genius ideas into words


You are sooooooo AMPED to work with another #bossbabe

Are we a Match?


Life Coaching

Life Coaching

Having a life coach and mentor is no luxury in today’s over-ambitious and frenetic society. It’s an essential part of the development of your skills and personal growth. Why? Because working with a coach allows you to step away from the noise, social noise, peer pressure, everything! There are too many experts out there. All too ready to tell you what works and what doesn’t. Let’s do something completely different: let us extract your OWN truth instead of living with other people’s expectations. Let’s search for what’s inside you, your dreams, desires, and fears. All of it. Both the pretty and the ugly. If you are looking for a major turn in your life, there is one to it: by navigating it with me. I know you don’t mind at all you are here because you are ready to see it and digest it all because you’ve had enough of all the rest. Great. Let’s get to it then!


My Feature Topics

⭐Personal Boundaries: say YES when you mean it and NO when you don’t
⭐Discovering Your Life Purpose and Passions: the thing(s) that make you feel alive, burning with passion and happy with yourself because you’re so good at it
⭐How to Turn Core Wounds into Strengths and Tools for Life. Traumas and wounds are unpleasant. But they also make you rather unique. Let’s turn them from what makes you cry into something that makes you strong.
⭐Life Transitions – Career changes, Relocation, Divorce, Death of a Loved One

Offer 1
• One 90-minute of value and action-oriented convo and planning session online/in person. I’ll be doing my research before our session so our call will focus on solving whatever you need to solve.
• Gain clarity.
• Get aligned.
• Get my undivided attention.
• 1 week of WhatsApp/Telegram and content review
• Custom notes and action plan
This deep dive session will give you focus, ignite your mission and you’ll feel confident in your next steps.

Investment 190 USD



My Portfolio

Content for Business

Personal Branding

Online Content (written, audio, visual)

Content Strategy

Books, ebooks, freebies, products, etc.

Blog posting and social media

Your Personal Story

Your CV


My Story

Content Coaching & Editing
Let’s communicate with Purpose

Hi there. Is this you?

Successful communication is only one: the one that is created to fulfil a specific purpose. But how often do you get it right? How many times have you written something that produces the wrong results?
I’m the Content Expert that helps you create the perfect content to match your purpose or intention behind it. I have figured out THE secret formula for content success and have worked with business owners and a variety of organisations for many years, helping them to find their unique voice and create amazing big bodies of content (books, reports, programs, blogs, keynote speeches, etc.). Let’s take what’s in your head and bring it out through the heart and onto the page/screen. 

Do you want me to edit your content?


Are you looking for a coach to improve your content creating skills?


Words were always my thing. I have loved writing and curating written content from a very early age. 

I help business owners and people in general who struggle to say what they mean.

People, perhaps like you, who can’t articulate the thoughts in writing that truly reflect what their value and feelings are. The purpose behind a message. The ones who are highly motivated, curious and creative, and who want to create more impact with their message. Uncovering their unique story, and then finding a way to tell it in their own natural voice across multiple marketing channels, is my goal.

BUT if you don’t want to do it yourself, I also offers content editing services:

websites, ad writing, blogs, case studies etc.
business is the fuel for my brain. It is my creative outlet, it makes me feel alive, passionate and it’s a source of income that allows me to do all the other cool stuff I love to do such as….

  • swim at the beach
  • write my novels and short stories
  • paint and drawing
  • travelling on a train somewhere remote
  • hang out with friends
  • cuddle my cat
  • dance
  • cook delicious and nutritious food
  • drink great wine
  • read books and magazines and not feel guilty
  • go running and feel strong

And it’s a big part of who I am right now. It doesn’t define me but it is me. I love working, feeling useful, effecting change, generating laughter and lightness, creating wealth, connecting with people, expressing myself through words and demonstrating to my kids that you can be a mum and a business owner. It feels good to help people get closer to their dreams too. To help them feel their impact. My dream of sitting with my laptop on a mountain top in France is getting closer every day….

The certificates that hang on the wall

  • B.Arts Simultaneous Interpretation & Translation
  • Graduate Certificate Editing/Proofreading
  • Graduate Certificate Purposeful Communication
  • Master’s in international business
  • Certificate SEO
  • Certificate Social Media + Newsletter



Masterclasses for Professional & Personal Development


My Feature Topics

Setting Personal Boundaries

Finding your Life Purpose, Talents & Passions

Intuitive Marketing

Dancing with Fear: understand and handle the gifts behind this powerful emotion

The Six Fundamental Human Needs for Inner Leadership

From Doer to Achiever: turn your CV and LinkedIn profile into winning cards

• One 90-minute of value and action-oriented convo and planning session online/in person. The activity is guided by a presentation, ice-breakers and introduction, followed by exercises and discussion time.

Investment 190 USD

In this section, you find an array of specializations I formatted as workshop material for those people who love and get a great vibe from attending group activities.

My masterclasses can go from 2 to 4 hours carrying my unique inspirational style that combines presentations, exercises, debate space, and Q&A.

These masterclasses are suitable for anyone looking to boost their knowledge, find a safe space to share and learn from others, or simply want some inspiration.

client love

Hannah G.

"Emily was so responsive and creative. Everything she wrote was strategic and so well worded." 

Sara F.

"I worked with Emily for a month to develop my social messaging. I feel so much more confident posting!" 

Jeremy D.

"Emily is so clever and able to articulate everything with such a clear, strong message. 10/10!" 

10 Email Subject Lines to grab Their Attention


Why you need strong website copy

Yes Plz!

10 Email subject lines to grab their attention

Sounds like what you need? Then drop your email below and get started emailing like a boss!

The easiest way to reach your new audience is by being amazing and you obviously need to email them. Copy is very important and that's why I am here and give you my totally awesome and amazing email subject lines as a freebie!

10 Email Subject Lines to grab Their Attention


Why you need strong website copy

Sounds like what you need? Then drop your email below and download the PDF to get started!

Whether you are a travel blogger, Instagram influencer or maybe trying to market your business online you need a solid website to drive people back to. You can keep your ideal audience on your website through amazing copy!

Why you need strong website copy



to level up your game.

Ready to Write Your         ?


Let's Chat!