June 12, 2024

Born or self-made?


example one
example one
example one

I never thought I was born as a natural leader, you know?

I’ve often felt other people are naturally good at leading, but that wasn’t me. I didn’t grow up as ‘the bossy/popular one’, even among my friends and acquaintances I’ve felt like the follower most of the time.

Was I wrong all along to believe so?

Wrong, no, a bit precipitated and short-sighted, yes.

If you ever felt or believed a similar story, let me tell you a fun fact about it: the truth is that somehow you have had to lead your life the entire time without noticing it.

And as long as you keep telling YOURSELF that you aren’t as good of a leader as those you know, you will not become one to your eyes!

So maybe we need to see what leadership looks like to us

What are the attributes of great leadership? In my mind, they are:

✅ Communication

✅ Resilience

✅ Vision

✅ Decision-making will

✅ Generosity & kindness

✅ Empathy

You get to decide if you want to transform yourself into a great leader

All of these are 100% skills that you can actively improve in yourself.

You get to decide if you want to transform yourself into a great leader

Going a good do-er to a great leader is SCARY because you are basically acknowledging your new leader role.

And you have to be able to lead yourself well before you can lead others.

So… what are the rewards for improving your ability to lead?

You become your own main reference

You become enough for yourself

You start loving being yourself and being in your own skin

You spread joy and inspiration everywhere you go

You start seeing the world through a more interesting lens

And I wouldn’t have been able to do it if I hadn’t tried to lead myself in the first place.

So I’m curious:

Where do you feel like you could be leading better (even if it’s just yourself)?

And where are you leading like a boss (again, even if it’s just yourself)?